Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What is Drama?

Hmm what is drama? Drama has so many different meanings. When people mention that word some people think of it as a violent way, while others think of drama in the literature way. When i think about drama i think of it as problems, gossip, and how some drama includes violence like cussing or getting into fights. The other type of drama is the literature type. This type of drama is a story written out so it can be performed by actors. It is most likely to be written in a script for actors to act it out. The script is made out of many different parts. It would have the stage directions, dialogue, setting , theme, plot, music/lighting, and costumes. The stage directions will tell the characters how they are suppose to look, move, or speak. It also explains how the stage, setting is suppose to look so it can go with the story. The dialogue are the words that each character speaks. The setting is where and when the play took place. The theme is what was the central idea of the play is. The plot is in which point did the event unfold. The music/lighting is when what type of music they should play and how strong or dim the lights should be set up. Last but not least the costumes. The costumes tell the character how they should be dressed based on the setting of the the story and time period so it can make sense. These plays are performed on stage in a theater. They also have different types of stages like a round, thrust, and many more. The round stage provides the view for audiences all around like in a circle. The thrust stage provides the view for audiences in three sides which are the front and both sides. The back side for the trust stage is basically used as a backstage. As you see drama has different meanings and they don't always have to be something bad at all.

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