Thursday, March 11, 2010

Character Analysis

Anne was 13 years old. She was born on June 12, 1929. She was born in Germany. Her family was Jewish so the had to emigrate to Holland when Hitler became ruler. From that day on every single person started to live a very harsh life. She was part of this story because this story is based on her (Anne's) diary. Your confused aren't you? Well when her and her family moved to Holland. They were treated really badly only because they were Jewish. They had to go into hiding or else they would have been killed or taken into a Concentration Camps. Concentration camps were camps where they took Jews. They would separate the boys from the girls, the children from the adults also. They would basically separate a family apart. They would not feed them, and not let em go to the bathroom sometimes they would even burn them in an oven or put many Jews in a room lieing to them that they were going to take a shower but instead of water coming out of shower heads a gas would come out and all of them would die. They were treated badly so Anne, her family and some friends all went into hiding in an attic. They hid in an attic above of a building and they had some rules to follow while they were hiding because if someone heard them from below they would be discovered and been taking away from each other. So while they were in hiding Anne had a diary and she would write in it explaining what was going on and how she felt. Later on after the war they found her diary and it was published as a book and made into a play. Her thoughts and feeling in the attic were that she really wanted to go outside and be a kid again. She wanted to play, ride her bike and feel the fresh air on her face once again. She really missed going to school and playing with her friends. "It's the silence in the nights that frightens me most. Everytime I hear a creak in the house, or a step on the street outside, I'm sure they're coming for us." I think this quote that Anne said is really important in the play because even she felt fear because of the Nazi's finding them. She wouldnt know what would happen if they did found them. She lives everyday with fear always worring about every sound she hears. She lives her life everyday but she always has it in the bakc of her mind. Anne got along with everyone like her father Mr.Frank, Miep, Mrs.Van Daan, Dussel, Margot, and Peter they all got along but Anne didnt really have a good relationship with her mother Mrs>Frank and Mr.Van Daan. She didn't really like her mother because she would treat her as a baby and she disliked that. She didn't really have a good relationship with Mr.Van Daan because they would all talk back to each other and they would fight a lot. Anne was a really sweet girl but she wasn't afraid to show herself.

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