Tuesday, March 30, 2010


It was Meg, her boyfriend Eric, her friend Tiffany, and Tiffany's boyfriend Brian. They were all drunk and high. That night they decided to trespass the City's private property and they jumped a fence that would get them where there were train tracks and a bridge were. That area became private property because a few years ago two teenagers got killed there because of the girl got her shoe caught on the tracks and her boyfriend went back to help her but the train was coming and killed both of them. While they got closer to the tracks it turned out that a police man was hiding there guarding the bridge. That night they got arrested and taken to the police station. While they waited Tiffany's parents picked her, then Brian's dad picked him up. Then Erick's dad picked Eric up and his dad started to scream at Officer After (the police who arrested them) like if it was his fault that his son was high and that he had gotten arrested. Nobody came to pick up Meg because her parents worked at a restaurant all night. Lois the other worker took Meg home after work. Officer After didn't want them to go to juvy so he talked to the DA. He made a deal that one of them had to ride with the Ambulance, the other person on the firetruck, and one person on the cop car, but here's the catch it had to be during their spring break. Eric didn't have to do this because his dad would get him out of out so there's no point.

One night when Officer After and Meg were on duty. They received a call that there was an accident on the Birmingham Junction. They head over there and when they got there the Ambulance and the Fire truck was there. Officer After goes and talks to the Paramedics while Meg went to her friend Tiffany. While Officer After was examining how the car he ended up calling Meg to come and see. Meg didn't want to go but she didn't want to look like a scary cat so she went. Officer After showed her the dead body in the car. It was twisted and bloody Meg ended up fainting. The took her into the Ambulance and they had her smell Ammonia. she ended up waking up and got out of the ambulance but one she got out she fell. Officer After helped her up and then Meg noticed that it was him. She got so mad that she pushed him. Officer After tried controlling her but he couldn't Meg kept hitting him and at the end Meg screamed to Officer After "I had Cancer you fuck." The next day Officer After Apologized to Meg. Meg than told him the story of her getting leukemia and how she survived. Officer After then knew why Meg was weak and claustrophobic.

One night before Officer After shift was over he and Meg went to Eggstra! Eggstra!. Eggstra! Eggstra! was the restaurant her parents owned and they always ate there before Officer After shirt was over. That night Meg and Officer After got to know each other much better. That night Meg got to know that under that police uniform John After (Officer After) he was really nineteen , single and he had a passion for art. Meg didn't think that John had a passion for art because he became a cop. Meg got to know that John After became a cop because he wanted to be an Artist and major a degree in art but everyone put him down and told him it was really dumb. Meg knew John was very talented and she was trying to convince him to go to college and major in that degree.


In one of the events in my book the setting took place at the railroad tracks near a bridge. It was dark and a bit wind. It was Meg,her boyfriend Eric, her friend Tiffany, and Tiffany's boyfriend Brian. They were all drunk and high. They decided to trespass City private property so they had to jump a fence to get to the other side. When they were all on the other side they all took of there shoes. There feet felt cold. There were alot of trees it almost seemed like a forest. The ground wasnt made of cement it was pure gravel. While the were getting closer to the train tracks they didnt know there was a cop car hiding there and they ended up getting caught and arrested.

Dear Friend...

Dear Margaret,

Even with the bad choices you have made so far you are still an amazing person. I am really sorry that you were diagnosed with leukemia. I was sad when I heard that you were just going to give up on having hope to cure your leukemia, but I am glad you did not and continued with your treatment. You see if you would have given up you would not have made it but you did not and look here you are today. I love your personality. I love how when you hear people talk about you in a way that you do not like, you do not let that bring you down. You just go by your opinion and stick with it. I think that you working for free at your parent's diner isn't so bad after all. It shows your appreciation toward your parents and how they supported your during your hard times with leukemia and how they took the blame for you when you would get in trouble. The situation about you being self-centered and not caring about others in my thought was wrong, because you don not care about how you were harming others and the way it effected them. You only thought about what your needs were in live.
If i was there with you I would have helped you by having you think positive and not letting you quit on life. Being there for you when you needed someone there for you. I would have taught you to not always think about yourself only and to think and consider what other people thought about. I would put you in sex rehab so then you could learn and understand what having sex could result in and to calm your hormones.

"Life is just like a rollercoaster, there are ups and downs and sometimes horrible loops."

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Anne Frank

I am thirteen years old
I was born in Germany on July 12, 1929
My family is Jewish
We emigrated to Holland when Hitler came into ruling
My life as a Jew became hard day by day
They forced my father out of business
We had to wear yellow stars
I couldn't even go to my Dutch school

I had to go into hiding with my family
We hid with my fathers friends the Van Daans
In total it was 8 of us Me, my father, mother, sister, Mr&Mrs.Van Daan, Peter and Mr.Dussel
We hid in an attic of an office building

We had specific rules to live by
We couldn't make noise between eight in the morning till six at night
We had limited food and supplies
We couldn't go outside and breathe fresh air

One day the green police came and found us
They took us of of the attic and we got separated
I got sent to a concentration camp
I later died because of a disease

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Character Analysis

Anne was 13 years old. She was born on June 12, 1929. She was born in Germany. Her family was Jewish so the had to emigrate to Holland when Hitler became ruler. From that day on every single person started to live a very harsh life. She was part of this story because this story is based on her (Anne's) diary. Your confused aren't you? Well when her and her family moved to Holland. They were treated really badly only because they were Jewish. They had to go into hiding or else they would have been killed or taken into a Concentration Camps. Concentration camps were camps where they took Jews. They would separate the boys from the girls, the children from the adults also. They would basically separate a family apart. They would not feed them, and not let em go to the bathroom sometimes they would even burn them in an oven or put many Jews in a room lieing to them that they were going to take a shower but instead of water coming out of shower heads a gas would come out and all of them would die. They were treated badly so Anne, her family and some friends all went into hiding in an attic. They hid in an attic above of a building and they had some rules to follow while they were hiding because if someone heard them from below they would be discovered and been taking away from each other. So while they were in hiding Anne had a diary and she would write in it explaining what was going on and how she felt. Later on after the war they found her diary and it was published as a book and made into a play. Her thoughts and feeling in the attic were that she really wanted to go outside and be a kid again. She wanted to play, ride her bike and feel the fresh air on her face once again. She really missed going to school and playing with her friends. "It's the silence in the nights that frightens me most. Everytime I hear a creak in the house, or a step on the street outside, I'm sure they're coming for us." I think this quote that Anne said is really important in the play because even she felt fear because of the Nazi's finding them. She wouldnt know what would happen if they did found them. She lives everyday with fear always worring about every sound she hears. She lives her life everyday but she always has it in the bakc of her mind. Anne got along with everyone like her father Mr.Frank, Miep, Mrs.Van Daan, Dussel, Margot, and Peter they all got along but Anne didnt really have a good relationship with her mother Mrs>Frank and Mr.Van Daan. She didn't really like her mother because she would treat her as a baby and she disliked that. She didn't really have a good relationship with Mr.Van Daan because they would all talk back to each other and they would fight a lot. Anne was a really sweet girl but she wasn't afraid to show herself.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Act 1, Scene 1-4

Scene 1- Mr. Frank came to say goodbye to Miep. Miep was surprised and told Mr. Frank that he couldn't leave because his home and business were all here in Amsterdam. Mr. Frank explained to Miep that he had to many memories there in Amsterdam. Miep then found some papers that belonged to Mr.Frank and told him. Mr.Frank told her to burn them. Miep then found a diary and asked him is she should burn that too. Mr.Frank goes and grabs the diary, he opens it and starts reading it. He realizes that its his daughters Anne's diary. Her first entry was on July 6, 1942 on a Monday. She started out with introducing herself on the diary, she was 13 years old, was born on June 12, 1929 in Germany. Her Jewish family and her emigrated to Holland when Hitler was ruling. She explained how everything started getting worse for the Jew's. How her father lost his job and how they needed to wear a yellow star patched to their clothing so they could be identified. Anne talked about how her mother came and woke her at 5am and they all had to get dressed. They had to put on as many clothes on because they were going into hiding and they didn't want to Carrie suite cases or they were going to look suspicious.Its after the war. Mr. Frank and Miep are in the present in the place where they were hiding while the war was going on back in the day. 

There involved because they were also hiding with the Frank family and the Van Daan family.

Scene 2- Mrs.Van Daan is waiting for the Frank family to come. She is getting really anxious and nervous because they were suppose to meet them there at seven o'clock and the still haven't arrived. Mr. Van Daan tried calming her down. A few minutes later they hear someone coming and it was the Franks family. They all came in and introduced each other. The immediately go to the attic and explore their new home. Then Miep tells them that she needs to go and get some ration books. These ration books were books that had stamps that were given to you to make sure that there was even distribution on scarce items, more importantly in the warm time of the season. They then get explained that they cant make any noise at all during from eight in the morning till six in the evening only if it was necessary. They couldn't make any noises or movement because they lived in the Attic of building and downstairs if the workers heard them oh my they should expect the worse. So they had specific rules to follow everyday. Then peter and Anne try to get to know each other. They start talking about school and about Peters cat. After there conversation Peter gets a knife and starts taking off his star. Anne then does it too and takes her star off Peter burns it but for some reason Anne cant do it. A few hours pass and Anne starts to write in her diary how much she misses the fresh air, to play around outside. She also talks about her fears at night on how every little noise she hears she think that the Green Police (Nazi Police, they wore green uniforms).

They went back in time when the war was happening and Hitler was in ruling. They were all involved in the story because they all went into hiding because they didn't want to get caught by the Nazi's.

Scene 3- Two months later have passed. They are all sitting quietly and then Mr.Frank tells them its safe to move around and make noise. They are all relieved and they all start doing their own thing. Anne goes and plays around with Peter like always. She loves messing with him. They were getting supper ready and Mrs.Van Daan was knitting her coat and Anne asks to try it on and she did. After that Mr. Van Daan and Anne started to argue because Anne kept talking back to him. Later that night they heard a know and they thought that it was Miep but when the opened it was Mr.Kraler a good Friend of Mr. Frank. Mr.Kraller asked them if the could do him a favor and take in Dussel for a few days and Mr.Frank gladly said yes. From that day on the had a new guest. That night they explained to them their schedule and how things worked out through out the day.

They are all involved because they all live together and they see each other everyday. They are all in the attic hiding from the Nazi and this scene basically was based on how they lived their life everyday up stairs in the attic being silent for hours and then having the liberty to move around and talk.

Scene 4- Anne wakes up in the middle of the night. She is screaming like if somebody was killing her. Everyone wakes up and goes See's what going on with her. It turns out she was having a nightmare. Her mother goes and try is to comfort her but she regrets her and asks for her father. Mrs. Frank goes and tells Mr.Frank that Anne wants to talk to him instead of her. Mrs. Frank was really hurt because of this. Mr. Frank goes in a talks with Anne. Anne hugs Mr. Frank and tells him about her nightmare. Her nightmare was that the green police came and found them and dragged her out just like the same way they did with her best friend Jopie. Mr. Frank gave Anne a pill so she could calm down. Anne took it and after Mr.Frank told Anne how much he was hurting her mother. Anne told him that she only loved him and not his mother. She didn't really feel a connection between them. Anne then falls asleep. In her diary it talked about how much she misses school, to laugh, to ride her bike and many more things. she just wants to be a kid again without any of this happening to them.

This involves them because they all live together and they are all there trying to help her calm down and support her.

Scene 5- 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What is Drama?

Hmm what is drama? Drama has so many different meanings. When people mention that word some people think of it as a violent way, while others think of drama in the literature way. When i think about drama i think of it as problems, gossip, and how some drama includes violence like cussing or getting into fights. The other type of drama is the literature type. This type of drama is a story written out so it can be performed by actors. It is most likely to be written in a script for actors to act it out. The script is made out of many different parts. It would have the stage directions, dialogue, setting , theme, plot, music/lighting, and costumes. The stage directions will tell the characters how they are suppose to look, move, or speak. It also explains how the stage, setting is suppose to look so it can go with the story. The dialogue are the words that each character speaks. The setting is where and when the play took place. The theme is what was the central idea of the play is. The plot is in which point did the event unfold. The music/lighting is when what type of music they should play and how strong or dim the lights should be set up. Last but not least the costumes. The costumes tell the character how they should be dressed based on the setting of the the story and time period so it can make sense. These plays are performed on stage in a theater. They also have different types of stages like a round, thrust, and many more. The round stage provides the view for audiences all around like in a circle. The thrust stage provides the view for audiences in three sides which are the front and both sides. The back side for the trust stage is basically used as a backstage. As you see drama has different meanings and they don't always have to be something bad at all.